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Writing Workshops - 8 weeks

This workshop is for anyone 55+ Open to Non-Members

Writing Workshops at the Flamborough Senior Centre with JUDY

Starting Tuesday January 23 – March 12 (8 weeks)

Time:  12:45 pm – 2:45 pm

COST $45.00 (plus taxes)Sign up at RECEPTION


Week 1 - Freefall - No more staring at a blank page (or screen), wondering how to get your ideas on paper. Try this fun and effective method to jumpstart you are writing.  Please bring pen and paper to this session.

Week 2 - Sensory Detail - Nothing brings writing to life more than appealing to the readers’ senses.  A series of experiments and exercises will help you incorporate this in your writing.

Week 3 - Person - Populate your writing with interesting characters.  Through guided brainstorming, you will learn how to bring the people in your work to life.

Week 4 - Place - Painting a picture of where a story — or poem, or non-fiction piece — takes place helps the reader connect and relate to your writing on a deeper level. 

Week 5 – Thing - The objects which surround us are as important as the people and places.  This workshop can help you lift them from flat, boring objects to vital, three-dimensional pieces.

Week 6 – Dialogue - We will look at how to write sizzling dialogue, using a script format.

Week 7 - Fifty-Five Fiction - How short can a short story be and still be effective?  You will create very short stories — fifty-five words, to be precise — and see how getting just the right word can make all the difference. 

Week 8 - Found Poetry - This is a fun and unique way to stop being intimidated by the idea of writing poetry.

November 18


April 22

Lunch n Learn - Wills and Powers of Attorney